Navy Children School, Port Blair

Affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).

In order to inculcate a feeling of equality and to infuse a sense of belonging to the institution all students are required to be in the prescribed uniform and polished shoes while attending the school, school functions and various competitions.

ALL DAYS (Except Wednesdays)

Sr. No. Boys Girls
01 Navy blue shorts (I – VII)
Navy blue trousers (VIII – XII)
(a) Navy blue box pleated skirt (Knee length) which rests at the waist
(b) Navy blue/black cycling tights
02 Blue Pin striped shirt (half sleeves) Blue pin striped shirt (half sleeves)
03 Navy blue socks Navy blue socks
04 School belt with NCS logo School belt with NCS logo
05 Short cropped hair/ Navy blue head dress for Sikh boys i) Black hair band (colored hair band are not allowed).
ii) Hair below shoulder level should be neatly plaited into two or made into two pony tails
06 Black Rex shoes without lace (well polished) (I to III) Black Rex shoes with lace (well polished) (IV to XII) Black Rex shoes without lace (well polished) (I to III) Black Rex shoes with lace (well polished) (IV to XII)

PT UNIFORM (On Wednesdays)

Sr. No. Boys Girls
01 White shorts (I – VII)
White trousers (VIII – XII)
(a) White box pleated skirt (Knee length) (I to V)
(b) White box pleated divided skirt (Knee length) (VI to XII)
02 House colour T-Shirt House colour T-Shirt
03 White socks with two stripe of house colour White socks with two stripe of house colour
04 Black Rex shoes (I to XII) Black Rex shoes (I to XII)
05 White head dress for Sikh boys White band or white hair band
06 School belt with NCS logo School belt with NCS logo
06 Navy Blue Track Suit/ Pants for both boys and girls to be worn for outdoor sports activities (VI – XII)